Meet John Bratton, Owner of California Cycle Path!

I vowed that if I was ever involved with coaching or fitness, my number one goal would be to meet people where they are.
— Coach John Bratton, California Cycle Path Fitness

Coach John Bratton (pictured front-and-center) has built an amazing community through his studio, California Cycle Path Fitness.

Coach John Bratton hails from Pittsburgh - born, raised & residing. John is the founding owner of California Cycle Path Fitness, a diverse, welcoming fitness studio that is proudly LGBTQ+ & Female Owned.

A massive contributor to the Struct Club community through the years, Coach John loves to share his class creations with fellow Members. Check out his officially-featured ride debut in our Explore section: “Giddy Up!”

John! Tell us about you - your story and journey to starting California Cycle Path: How would you describe your studio - its mission, unique offerings, & overall vibe?

When I was in school, I was good at sports. However, I was always picked last as the open LGBTQ kid. Once I was on the team, I worked harder than most to prove myself. From that point on, I vowed that if I was ever involved with coaching or fitness, my number one goal would be to meet people where they are. Everyone is welcome no matter how new to Exercise programs, or an experienced athlete. Our studio is LGBTQ+ owned & Female owned. We started with Spin® in one storefront, and over the last 8 years grew to 4 storefronts offering Spin®, TRX, Boxing, Row & several other class formats. Our studio still has a small local vibe despite the growth over the years.

Working the bag with a California Cycle Path member!

What have been some top learnings (or surprises!) you’ve had being a studio owner that you wish you knew when you first began?

At the beginning, I wish I knew exactly how much hard work goes into running a successful studio. There’s been ups & downs. But the community we have built pays back tenfold.

What are some pro tips you would recommend to other would-be entrepreneurs that make YOUR life easier?

Utilize a software booking system. Also, continue to educate yourself in formats.

What has motivated you to get to where you are today?

I have always been a competitive person. So I always give 100% to anything that I work on. But truly what has got me here are  my clients over the years. The trust they gave to me and our instructors at the studio truly amazes me.

Lightning round! Give us your top pick for each of these: 

Motivation Mantra: The past is a place of learning. Not a place of living.

Signature Move (in class): Love myself some Tapbacks!

Spirit Animal: Chameleon: I can look a bit rough on the outside all tattooed up. However, I can adapt to any social setting.

Walk-on Song: Formation - Queen B or Born This Way Lady Gaga

Fav Musical Artist: Lady Gaga

If there’s anything about using Struct Club that has aided you and you feel inclined to share, we would love to know!

Love that when you reuse songs in a playlist when building class, thea app gives you the option to reuse cues. Such a time saver.

Giddy Up with Coach John B in the app, and don’t forget to follow him: @californiacyclepath!

Amira Polack